
We Speak Health Insurance

Our team has more experience building and deploying health insurance solutions than many top consulting firms because healthcare is our entire focus. 

Insurance Lingo

You won’t waste valuable time teaching us your business

$659.25 PMPM

Our AmpliFire portfolio is built for maximum flexibility and speed for commercial group, individual, Medicare, Medicaid, and worksite carriers.

Common Requirement’s Satisfaction


We recognize that no solution will check all of a payer's boxes.

We designed our AmpliFires to satisfy 70% to 80% of the most common requirements, minimizing tedious discovery work and drawn-out implementations.

This gives health plans the freedom to design the configurations and customizations that matter most.

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Medicare Advantage Shop & Enroll

1-Minute Demo

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Medicare Supplement Shop & Enroll

1-Minute Demo

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Small Group Shop & Enroll

1-Minute Demo

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Individual Shop & Enroll

1-Minute Demo

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Provider Network Management

1-Minute Demo

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Broker Portal

1-Minute Demo

Trusted by leading healthcare organizations

“Attentis have been incredible partners for us to further customize our HealthCloud instance to support our multi-state payor enrollment and contracting function.”

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