
Even Faster

Attentis Consulting’s accelerators, called AmpliFires, are more than just demos and templates – each is functioning software that’s tailored to your organization’s specific needs.  

Our quick start kits include pre-written epics and user stories, business and data flows, configurations, data models, data dictionaries, UX/UI, and QA'd code that bring customers’ solutions to market even faster.

Epics & Stories

Capture user stories in their early stages, facilitating effective requirements gathering and agile development.  

Business Flows

Streamline business and data processes with visual representations, optimizing workflow efficiency and ensuring consistent operations. 

Data Flows

Leverage rich flows to visualize and comprehend complex data relationships, enabling informed decision-making and data-driven insights.

Data Dictionary

Establish a unified understanding of data structures, enabling efficient data management and enhanced reporting capabilities.


Tailor pre-designed user journeys to meet unique business needs.

QA‘d Code in Git

Deploy code swiftly and reliably using thoroughly tested and validated codebase.

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