
Health Plan

Individual and Family

The Background

McLaren Health Plan was facing significant challenges with their existing setup, particularly with their account in HealthSherpa, a marketplace for individuals to find health care coverage. While HealthSherpa provided a platform for managing sales activities, it lacked real-time insights and comprehensive data integration, forcing the team to navigate through multiple systems to compile relevant information. Furthermore, their manual quoting process, initiated either through their website or paper applications, was far from streamlined, resulting in inefficiencies and potential errors.

The Challenge

The primary challenges McLaren Health Plan encountered revolved around the lack of real-time visibility into their sales activities within HealthSherpa. Without immediate insights into quoted plans, popular selections, and accurate agent associations, they struggled to optimize their operations and ensure precise commission calculations. Moreover, changes to coverage and health plans were not promptly detected, leading to potential discrepancies and delays in updates. The absence of a centralized commission management tool compounded their issues, making it difficult to track and manage commissions effectively.

The Solution

Attentis Consulting stepped in to revolutionize McLaren’s sales operations with a comprehensive solution tailored to their unique needs. By implementing a real-time view into their sales activity within HealthSherpa, we empowered them with instant insights into quoted plans, agent associations, and plan popularity. Through custom-built tools, we automated change detection and coverage updates, ensuring that any modifications were promptly captured and reflected in real-time. Additionally, our bespoke commission management tool enabled seamless tracking and analysis of commissions by various parameters, offering granular control and visibility into commission data.

The Benefits


The implementation of our solution not only addressed McLaren Health Plan’s immediate challenges but also positioned them for future success in the dynamic healthcare landscape. By providing real-time insights, streamlined processes, and comprehensive data management tools, Attentis Consulting empowered our client to optimize their operations, improve decision-making, and drive growth in their business.